How Private Investigators Can Help Protect Businesses From Federal Charges


Most people know how to avoid criminal charges in their daily lives, but when it comes to business law, things can get murky fast. Anything from mistakes in accounting to data breaches can potentially lead to federal charges. This means you must be careful when navigating the business world, and a private investigator may be able to help you avoid such legal mistakes.

Protection From Others' Inappropriate Actions

Regardless of how involved you are in your company, it's impossible to know everything that's going on. After all, not everyone at Enron knew what was happening behind the scenes.

Fortunately, Private Investigators can help you avoid facing serious charges if others in your company were engaged in illegal behavior. The former South African Football Association chief executive, for instance, recently hired a private investigator with forensic accounting experience to provide proof that he had no involvement in illegal activities going on behind the scenes.

Money Laundering Detection

When you think of Private Investigators, you likely envision people hiring professionals to catch their spouses cheating. While that is one service, these professionals can also detect crimes like money laundering. This is another service that can help you avoid federal charges.

In fact, this service may have saved the former CEO of HealthSouth from facing federal money laundering charges near the beginning of the new millennium had he engaged a Private Investigator to help. After two years of court battles, he was vindicated of the charges.

If an individual or criminal enterprise is using your company for money laundering purposes, a Private Investigator with an Anti-Money Laundering backround can help pinpoint these activities and suggest ways to stop them.

Avoid Federal Data Breach Charges

Data breaches can happen for a variety of reasons, but did you know that you could face federal charges for such a breach? The Federal Trade Commission monitors breaches, and if they believe your company was reckless or didn't report a breach to authorities in a timely manner, they'll consider it a crime.

Fortunately, Private Investigators can also perform vulnerability assessments of your security networks. They can conduct active penetration testing and decide if your security is sufficient. If a breach does occur, they are also able to provide expert testimony that you did everything in your power to prevent such an incident.

Running a successful company comes with its own set of headaches, but if you're ever in a position to face federal charges, things can get much worse. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid this. By performing your own due diligence and investing in a skilled Private Investigator, you can minimize your chances of facing federal charges in relation to your business.